We don't borrow your watch to tell you time. We are experienced business people who actually use our training, our experience and our connections to help you succeed.

This is where we can add the most value.

We know you want to get to revenue and close those first deals FAST. Our strength is to help you do that, while avoiding the landmines. Beware when you do things fast, unless you know the landscape! It is expensive and hard to get out of bad contracts with the distributors and worse for manufacturers. Let us help you develop your channel and improve, outsource or offshore your manufacturing.

We have turned around major unprofitable businesses in Asia to become company cash cows. We have done it in different countries, different industries and under vastly different political and economic climates.

We have lived and worked in the US and Asia. We speak the language. We live the cultures.

We don't tell you what you want to hear and leave you fight the tigers. We stay with you, implement the plan that we have jointly agreed, and help you manage the channel and/or the manufacturers to success.

We don't leave you once it is built, regardless of whether it is a factory or a comprehensive distribution channel. We stay to management success with you.

With well over 200 years of Asian business experience, we believe that compensation should be success-based, not project-based. By sharing the risks, we are in the game with you.


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