Investment is about choice. iga helps small to mid size businesses make the most appropriate investment choices to expand into or grow their Asian business. Iga's experience and market knowledge reduces the risk and maximizes return on investment by addressing competitive issues, finding new sources of revenue and increasing your company's value creation through growth. iga invests in you by tying its success to yours. Our compensation comes from commissions on revenue or manufacturing benefits from your Asian operations so we both share in the rewards of the Asian market.
Growth is important and necessary. But in the process, many companies have weakened their competitive position by losing focus on one’s strategic goals and core business. Let the iga team focus on your Asian Revenue Acceleration so that you can focus on the home market. iga remains engaged after implementation, providing mentoring and quality control for the long-term success of your venture. The rewards of Asia are great with the right relationships.
Asia is home to some of the world’s most promising opportunities that are land-mined with challenges. The Asian continent is made up of 60% of the world’s people, speaking more than 150 different languages in 26 countries. It embodies significant complexities and challenges which can only be overcome through local knowledge, dedicated focus, and experience. Addressing these challenges for our customers and partners is central to our strategy, accelerating the opportunities and using the challenges against your competitors. iga spans across Asia with a range of Revenue Acceleration and cost-reduction services which include distribution/channel set-up, offshore manufacturing and regional expansion solutions. Over 300 market opportunities have been opened by iga's senior partners, generating a few billion dollars of additional revenue and hundreds of millions of reduced costs.

iga's Asia consulting team includes a broad global set of resources and proven track record mobilizing  the right people and skills to help you implement your business objectives. iga employs senior business Asian consultants and associate Asian consultants living in both the United States and Asia, enabling them to be “close to the knitting”, keeping abreast of current issues, business contacts and direct country knowledge.
Understanding and managing business intelligence is vital to capturing market share. iga's business intelligence group provides the market and country knowledge required to make effective decisions for optimal business performance. Unlike most Asia consulting firms, iga’s professional Asian consultants continues well beyond the strategy formation stage to include its successful implementation. And unlike most Asia consultancy companies, iga takes the approach of integrating the experience and wisdom of our senior management team and individual Asian consultants as a cornerstone of each project. Therefore, you can focus on your core business while your emerging markets are being built, with the maximum upside and minimum risks and dollar investments.

Your Iga consultant will LISTEN to your specific business needs to formulate your winning strategy; modify your business model to create the competitive advantage needed to succeed in the ever-changing international arena; adapt our approach to enable the most effective implementation for your business; and share in your risks by being there with you for the long term, overseeing with regular quality assurance reviews to maintain maximum revenue growth after implementation and beyond. Your success is iga’s success.


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