iga advise, implement and manage Asian expansion plans for small to mid size US companies. iga's broad global resources and proven track record will mobilize the right people and skills to help you implement your business objectives and manage for success. iga employs senior executives and associates living in both the United States and Asia, enabling them to be close to the market, keeping abreast of current issues, business contacts and direct country and market knowledge.

For US-based companies looking to expand to Asia, there are a few essential questions.
For Manufacturing (COST & QUALITY) : Can iga find a contract manufacturer to meet your cost target while maintaining the quality level? Or even improve the quality level? Which country should you go to?
For Distribution (REVENUE) : Is there a big enough market for your product/service? If so, how do you create a channel of distribution and manage it profitably?

For US-based companies already located in Asia looking to improve revenue, the questions are:
For Manufacturing (COST & QUALITY) : The current manufacturing is not working out for you, can iga help? Can iga improve the manufacturing cost, quality and management?
For Distribution (REVENUE) : The current distribution channel is not meeting your revenue target, or is not performing to plan, or is not communicating effectively, can iga help? Can iga help your company grow your revenue and profit through your current and additional distribution partners to meet your planned objectives?

iga helps US companies do business in Asia, from strategy to implementation and success. We are with you all the way. We advise, implement and manage for results.

For Manufacturing LEAN Analysis (EFFICIENCY AND PROFIT) : Can the manufacturing process be made more efficient to increase profitability? Using LEAN analysis, iga can help your company’s manufacturing process to increase efficiency, reduce waste and increase profitability.

In addition to the above, we provide concierge service with local regulatory knowledge and back office expertise, including:

Legal and Regulatory
Real Estate
Back Office
Marketing, Communications and Media Planning


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