asian business consulting
business consulting in asia

Asian markets are attractive avenues of expansion and growth. The use of business consulting has helped many international companies to expand their business in Asia. Asia offers huge markets with growing consumer groups, large educated work force, low cost labor, lower-priced facilities, natural resources and most of the people have a determination to work hard and succeed. Business consulting has been the key avenue for many companies in Asia to enhance  revenue, cost reduction and begin contract Asian manufacturing, Asia is the place to be. And yet, 4 in 5 US businesses that enter Asian markets fail. They fail because most international companies do not have the necessary outsourcing skills within their own staff.  Iga provides the different business consulting skills necessary to enter and enhance the Asian market.

All of the iga business executives and consultants have lived and worked throughout Asia. We understand the legal issues, culture and challenges in building and growing business throughout Asia. And we have relationships with specialists in legal, administrative, market research, advertising, accounting, real estate and other areas to help you maximize your Asian market exposure and sales.
iga specialize in helping US businesses market your products and services in Asia. We can help you in:
Information collection: Including current and historical business trends for your products/services
Feasibility analyses: Is there a market? How big is the market?
What is break-even for you?
Do you need to change your product mix for the market?
Competitive product analysis: Who is your competition?
How strong are they?
What are their strengths and weaknesses?
Strategic Planning: Most companies fail because of lack of proper planning.
Recommendations: Target market, product/service mix, pricing, advertising angle, which country(ies) to launch first, funding requirements, breakeven, etc.
Implement the Plan: with an agreed upon plan of action, iga will help you implement the plan in Asia.
Manage for Results: iga will implement the plan and for some time, manage the channel/manufacturer(s) with you for better results.
Through our strategic partners, each iga asian business consultant will assist clients in implementing the necessary infrastructure to ensure successful sales growth:
Establish financial plan, revenue forecasts and operating budget for each Asian market Establish local office (when required)
Hire and manage legal council
Manage relationships with outside vendors
Executive recruitment of local staff, including multi-lingual project managers, quality and efficiency experts.

iga asian business consultants advise, implement and manage your Asian operations. Our experience and connections help speed up your Asian entry and success.


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solutions in China, Hong Kong, India, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Korea