Many North American manufacturers have made the leap to Asia. The reasons for this can be many. Some make the move for expansion of their current domestic operations. Some have found the cost advantages compelling. Others desire to co-locate with their existing or new customers. Whether it is one of these reasons or all, successful contract manufacturing does not come by chance. iga takes a methodical approach to making the move prosperous for all involved. Our methodology includes:
  A drilled down dialogue and questionnaire to understand the needs of the client.
  The development of a solid business plan for the move. This includes a thorough assessment and recommendations dealing with the spectrum of choices, from contract manufacturing portions of the process / assembly of the current products, off-shoring only the newest products, to completely moving all manufacturing to an ideal location.
  Detailed implementation criteria and timelines to maximize the investment.
  Hands-on management to drive revenue and shared success between client and iga.
Where should manufacturing be done in Asia?
Due to popular journalism and perception, whenever most companies think of moving part, or all, of their manufacturing to Asia, they think of China. This perception is based on their core believe that the cheapest producer is the winner and that manufacturing in China is the cheapest in Asia.

The fact is, China is a huge country with different languages, business rules and culture. Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou or South China, all provide different business conditions. While Shanghai is no longer cheap in labor and property, there are other areas that have a more motivated local government and workforce.

How about South East Asia? While China can be a good choice, depending on your products and services, South East Asia, with their trained labor force and many with stable governments, is definitely a suitable region to consider.

In total, the 26 Asian countries amount to a vast area with various challenges. In addition, country selection, site selection, logistics, licenses and permits for equipment, cost management, LEAN process review, facility plan, ramp, facility management, and operations can all be daunting.

Experience, market research and proper planning is what iga brings to you. We specialize in doing business in Asia, so that you do not have to. iga mitigates the risks by first understanding your business needs through the detailed business plan. From this point iga offers the extensive contacts derived from years of experience in Asia to sort through the best location for your success. Previously qualified industrial parks will lessen the need to search each and every possible location in the Asian continent. These relationships distinguish iga from the competition.

iga takes the next steps into the implementation phase with you. With solid operational set up, start up and cost effective ramp up, iga will provide the guidance and bring in local talent to accomplish 'Time To Market' and 'Time To Volume' goals for your company. The management of this continuum will demonstrate iga's commitment to the joint success of Asian contract manufacturing.


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